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Vape-Related Illness FAQ
I think I may be sick from using vape. What do I do?
See your physician or go to the emergency room. Symptoms include:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Chest pain
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
Do I need to report my vape-related illness to officials?
Your physician will send the report to the ADPH for review.
Should I bring ADPH my vape supplies and equipment for testing?
Only persons who have confirmed cases of vape-related illness are being asked to give their property for testing. ADPH officials will be in contact with those individuals to instruct them on the procedure to submit the items for testing.
How can I get someone to come speak to my group about vape?
Please contact Tracie Cole, Tobacco Training and Outreach Coordinator, at 334- 206-6432 or via email at [email protected]
Where can I get the latest information on the vape related illness in Alabama?
Visit alabamapublichealth.gov/tobacco/ecigs. Reports are updated every Wednesday.
How can I get help to quit vaping?
Call 1-800 QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit quitnowalabama.com for free information, counseling, and if medically eligible and enrolled in counseling, up to eight weeks of the nicotine replacement therapy patches to help you quit.
Is it safer to smoke than vape?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you consider refraining from using e-cigarettes or vaping products. If you used e-cigarettes to quit cigarette smoking, do not return to smoking cigarettes. The use of cigarettes which contain tobacco increases the risk of lung and other cancers, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
How do I report someone for selling vape to children?
Call the Center for Tobacco Products at 1-877-287-1373.
Page last updated: December 13, 2021