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Operations Branch

The WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Operations Branch actively collaborates with the other branches of the Alabama WIC Program on a regular basis. In fact, the function of WIC Operations is such that it is the only branch that is fully intertwined with all of the other responsibilities of the Alabama WIC Program. It has a direct correlation to the successful execution of the varied tasks of the other branches of the WIC program. Although WIC Operations has very little direct interaction with the WIC participant, it is an integral part of the local WIC clinic operations via the services that are provided.

WIC Operations is responsible for the Alabama application of the Crossroads Management of Information Systems. This system was developed through a collaborative effort of a consortium of southeastern states which includes: Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Presently, Crossroads is updated through a user group that consists of: Alabama, Virginia, West Virginia, and Rhode Island. Crossroads is a web-based system that utilizes new and emerging technologies and is used by all Alabama WIC clinics to expedite most aspects of the WIC participant clinic experience.

In addition, duties of WIC Operations include providing specific report information to local clinics and public health district offices; reporting to the USDA Food and Nutrition Service; day-to-day telephone contact with district and clinic staff; assisting the other branches of the Alabama WIC Program and interacting with our counterpart branches of other state WIC programs. WIC Operations is also the liaison with the infant formula contractor, the Bureau of Information Technology, and the Crossroads User Group Executive Steering Committee. We are dedicated to constantly researching and instituting means by which both the Alabama WIC Program participant and the clinic staff can be better served.

Some of the information provided by WIC Operations includes the following:

  • Formula Purchased by WIC Participants: There were approximately 148,204 cans of infant formula purchased on food instruments each month by WIC participants in Fiscal Year 2023.
  • Participation: WIC served an average of 111,154 participants each month in Fiscal Year 2023.
  • WIC serves participants statewide in approximately 87 clinic sites.

Page last updated: August 29, 2024