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What's New?

2024 Radiological Emergency Assistance Contacts

Financial Assistance with the Disposal of Certain Radioactive Materials, Devices and Sources

The Source Collection And Threat Reduction (SCATR) program is an initiative to reduce the number of unused radioactive sealed sources stored by licensees and registrants. This is a joint effort of the Council of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD), Los Alamos National Lab (LANL), and the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration. The program provides financial assistance with the disposal of unused radioactive sealed sources. Please click the link below for more information on this program. Please visit the CRCPD for more information.

Revisions to Radiation Control Rules

Revisions to rules for Radiation Control Chapter 420-3-26 become effective 11/14/21. Read our Frequently Asked Questions about these changes.

New Rule Changes - Effective November 14, 2021

Radiation Protection Guidance for COVID-19

The Office of Radiation Control (ORC) is aware of the stresses and burdens of COVID-19 on licensees and registrants. The ORC recognizes that during the current COVID-19 public health emergency licensees or registrants may experience challenges in meeting certain regulatory requirements. The ORC has multiple methods of providing relief from regulatory requirements while continuing to maintain safety and security. These methods fall broadly into different categories, which include exemptions from regulatory requirements, amendments to license conditions, or enforcement discretion. Each method has specific requirements and is appropriate under certain circumstances. The ORC encourages licensees and registrants to contact us upon identifying any potential compliance issues resulting from the COVID-19 public health emergency. Licensees or registrants that anticipate that they will be unable to comply with a regulatory requirement or license condition should contact us as soon as a potential issue is identified. The ORC will consider these requests for relief on a case-by-case basis.

Please submit requests in writing via your normal communication channels to the agency. Individual exemptions, exceptions or waivers to the rules will be considered as allowed in Rule 420-3-26-.01(3)(a). Despite the circumstances, licensees and registrants are expected to continue to use sources of radiation in a safe manner and secure them appropriately when not in use.

The agency will continue to exercise enforcement discretion to provide the necessary flexibility to allow the licensees and registrants to continue to provide essential services relied on by the public in a manner that is protective of public health and in compliance with applicable regulations despite staffing limitations and other needs related to measures intended to reduce the rate of community spread of COVID-19.

Licensing & Registration Branch New E-mail Address

Alabama Fees for Radioactive Materials Licenses - Effective August 19, 2024

Alabama Industrial Radiography Examinations - No Longer Offered

  • As of August 9, 2023 Alabama Radiation Control no longer offers Industrial Radiography Certifications.

Form for Requesting a Waiver for Non-Healing Arts Uses of Bone Density X-Ray Units

Page last updated: August 15, 2024