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General Information

  • Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors - Promoting consistency in addressing and resolving radiation protection issues, encouraging high standards of quality in radiation protection programs, and providing leadership in radiation safety and education.
  • - Addressing background radioactivity; the geology, mobility, and variability of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) in the environment; industries producing diffuse sources of TENORM, which are generally large-volume, low-activity waste streams; regulations and regulatory issues; scrap metal recycling; and risk from low levels of radiation and radioactivity.
  • Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - Strengthening our nation's research and development enterprise through education and research participation programs.
  • The Health Physics Society - Promoting the practice of radiation safety and the beneficial use of radiation, such as medical diagnosis and therapy, scientific research, and generating electrical power.


  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration Mammography Quality Standards Act and Program - Informing mammography facility personnel, inspectors, and other interested individuals about the implementation of the Mammography Quality Standards Act, enacted by Congress in 1992, to ensure that all women have access to quality mammography for the detection of breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages.
  • The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - Promoting the science, technology, and practical application of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.
  • The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging - Increasing awareness of the opportunities to lower radiation dose in the imaging of children, "Image Gently," is a campaign of the Alliance for lower radiation doses in pediatric radiology procedures.
  • - Improving the understanding of radiation risks from medical imaging by calculating doses and estimating cancer risks from studies, including CT scans, x-rays, nuclear scans, and interventional procedures.

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Page last updated: July 27, 2023