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EMSC News and Events

News and events occurring in Alabama and across the nation that affect emergency medical care for children.


EMS Standing Orders Threatened by Pending DEA Rule

Pending federal regulations threaten a longstanding practice allowing EMS personnel to administer controlled substances to patients.

This practice will soon be prohibited unless the Controlled Substance Act is amended.

Urge your U.S. Legislator to Co-Sponsor H.R. 4365, the “Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act."

H.R. 4365, bi-partisan legislation recently introduced by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), would amend the Controlled Substance Act to allow EMS Agencies to continue using standing orders from their medical director for the delivery and administration of a controlled substance (Schedule II -V).

Please go to the NAEMSP Advocacy website and view the toolkit for H.R. 4365.



EMSC Opportunities for Enhancing Pediatric Emergency Care Webinar Series

HRSA in collaboration with Indian Health Service Clinical Support Center is presenting another webinar in this series September 21, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. "Is Your ED Ready for Children? Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators Lead the Way to Readiness!" View registration information and more details.

Protecting Our Children: Recognizing Child Abuse

The Alabama EMSC Program hosted a satellite conference and live webcast in January 2013 on the procedures emergency responders should follow in recognizing and documenting child abuse. "Protecting Our Children: Recognizing Child Abuse" is now available on demand.

Page last updated: May 13, 2021