SBA - Coordinators
Scale Back Alabama is the perfect addition to worksite wellness programs and community health programs. Facilitating the program is easier than ever with the new self-guided, self-paced format. Coordinators can use the SBA tools and resources to help empower individuals to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors.
There are two main ways coordinators can use the SBA program to help encourage participants to adopt healthier lifestyles, an “informal approach” or a “formal approach.” These formats are flexible and we encourage coordinators to adopt and adapt the format that best fits the needs of their group.
Informal Approach
With the informal approach, the coordinator’s job is to encourage and possibly incentivize individuals to utilize the SBA program by referring them to the “Individuals” page. Information about the program along with our tips and resources can be shared via emails, newsletters, bulletin boards, etc., but ultimately, the coordinator is leaving it up to the participants to utilize the SBA program to set and track their own goals. This format can be utilized year-round, as individuals would set their own parameters, including how long to track their progress. The coordinator takes a more “hands-off” role with this approach. Individuals receive information on the SBA program and then decide whether or not to utilize it.
Formal Approach
With the formal approach, the coordinator uses the SBA tools and resources to develop a structured program, and guides, motivates, and potentially incentivizes individuals who participate. This format typically has a clear beginning and end, though multiple rounds could be completed each year. For example, a coordinator may start a new round each month. In this scenario, participants would set goals to accomplish each month. Participants may choose the same goals, or set new ones. Coordinators take a “hands-on” role with this approach.
Getting Started
There are several questions to ask yourself before you begin coordinating a formal or informal SBA program:
- Which format is the best fit for my group?
- How long will the program last?
- How will we communicate with participants?
- Will we incentivize participation? How?
- What will we expect of participants?
- Will we track or check in on their progress? How?
- Are there any changes we can make to the environment to support healthier lifestyles? (walking paths, healthy snacks in vending machines, etc.)
Page last updated: September 15, 2023