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Quarterly Meetings 2019

September 2019 Quarterly Meeting Presentation

Carey Martin-Lane is the Farm Food Collaborative Co-Manager with the Food Bank of North Alabama. Her presentation centered around how a local food hub is having an impact on obesity prevention in Alabama. 

Dianne Lollar, MPH, RDN, LD, FAND, is a Nutrition & Food Systems Consultant. Dianne is a member of the task force and several professional organizations. She is retired from the Alabama Department of Public Health WIC program. She shared her journey from the farm to becoming a registered dietitian with a passion for nutrition, agriculture, and planet health.

June 2019 Quarterly Meeting Presentations

Shifting the Focus from Weight to Health

Julie Sieja Satterfeal, MS, RDN, LD, author of Ditch the Diet, gave a presentation to the task force on why diets fail and how to unlearn the dieting mentality. She provided recommendations on how to eat by getting back to the basics and stop emphasizing weight loss as a health indicator.

Peer Health Education for Health Promotion

The Peer Health Education program at the University of Alabama is responsible for implementing multiple health initiatives on campus. The goal is to encourage health lifestyles in students using effective programs and clever marketing techniques to engage students. Sheen Quizon Gregg, MS, RDN, LD leads this effort for the University and provided an overview for task force members.

March 2019 Quarterly Meeting Presentations

CDC AL ProHealth: The Last 4 and the Next 5 Years

Ruth Brock, MEd with the Alabama Extension System at Auburn University provided an update on the ALProHealth Program. The program received additional funding from the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention through 2023. They'll be working in 13 high obesity counties in Alabama to improve access to healthy foods and increase the number of places for physical activity.

Heart Health...Back to the Future

Kim Garza, Associate Professor in the Harrison School of Pharmacy at Auburn University gave a presentation on her research on the implications of an impulsive choice as it relates to heart health and diet. She discussed interventions to improve health behaviors and factors that support better outcomes.

100 Alabama Miles Kickoff

Allison Tubbs is a project coordinator with the Lakeshore Foundation. She gave an update on the 100 Alabama Miles Challenge which is an initiative to increase physical activity utilizing local, state, and federally managed recreational lands in the state. Start your journey today!

Page last updated: December 22, 2022